Combined Social Ventures – CSV

An Interview with Dr. Kamal Gulati, Senior Scientist at All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS)

John Hoffmire: We share something in common, you and I. We both wrote doctoral dissertations on topics we feel passionate about and then centered our careers around that topic and passion. For you, the focus has been medical leadership development in a low- and middle-income country, i.e. India. I’d love to know how your interest

An interview with Shabd Mishra, Managing Director for Renaissance eServices Ltd and founder of Meducination

John Hoffmire: Let me quote something I read about you online, “In 2005 Shabd Mishra quit his job as Head of International Sales for a leading US information publisher to start Renaissance eServices in 2005. The business, located in the UK, spans over 52 countries and caters to nearly 2 million students globally. Since 2005, the

Interview with Amita Dahiya, Project Lead (Entrepreneurship) Centre for Gender Equality and Inclusive Leadership, XLRI

John Hoffmire: I’m always interested to hear how someone’s career evolves and, in some ways, changes direction. I often refer to such a career path as “following the current” as in the current of a river. It seems like your career has been a bit like that, would you agree?

Amita: Yes, I think I would agree that

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