Economic Inequality

Vanderbilt Peabody College students develop global ranking system to encourage poverty reduction

Nearly half of the world’s population, including one billion children, lives in poverty (defined as income of less than $2 U.S. per day). With an eye toward better understanding how the private sector can help reduce poverty, four students at Vanderbilt University Peabody College of education and human development collaborated with the Center

Women in News: Lessons and Learnings 

The crucial significance of gender balance in the news media is very important. Women are under-represented in the news media all across the world. Women are oftentimes prevented from expanding their professional networks and overall career paths due to social and cultural restrictions. For instance, women don’t have the same access to mentors as men

How To Make America More Affordable

For the last two years, the debate on the economy has centered around inflation.

After reaching a 40-year high last summer, inflation as measured by economists is now approaching normal levels. But despite the rapid slowdown, millions still feel squeezed by a decades-long affordability crisis.

Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, Americans struggled to afford sky-high prices

Income, Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2022

The U.S. Census Bureau announced last month that real median household income in 2022 fell in comparison to 2021. The official poverty rate of 11.5% was not statistically different between 2021 and 2022. The Supplemental Poverty Measure (SPM) rate in 2022 was 12.4%, an increase of 4.6 percentage points from 2021. This is the first

Enough Of The Crumbs: We Want A Piece If The Pie

Irit Tamir, Director of Oxfam America’s Private Sector Department, has written an excellent article explaining the context for the recent and dramatic uptick in number of workers going on strike in the U.S.  In it she writes:

“Why are members of the United Automobile Workers (UAW) taking to the street as the latest workers to go

Young Writers Series – Surveying Economic Policies for Women’s Empowerment in India

As has been explored in earlier articles on this blog, there are numerous obstacles – political, social, and structural – that prevent the integration of women into the Indian economy on equitable terms and footing with their male counterparts. These issues are deeply rooted in the Indian economy and society more broadly, and addressing them

Gender Equality, Education, and Employment in India

India is a country where gender inequality has been a crucial issue for generations. Starting at a very young age, girls face a variety of barriers that contribute to unequal economic and educational opportunities. The empowerment of women, both through education of girls and employment of women, has a direct impact on the Indian economy. 

Time to Put a Dent in Growing Inequality Through Full Employment

When the Occupy Wall Street movement dissipated, their call against the 1 percent slowly disappeared from the news headlines only to be replaced by research that made similar points about inequality. Much of what has been said refers to Thomas Piketty’s work. Some of the suggestions made to address the differences between the rich and

What It Takes to Make Inequality a National Priority

Inequality is a phenomenon that humans have dealt with for millennia. No society has been able eliminate inequality and it’s unlikely to ever disappear completely. In the US, inequality has become an increasingly popular topic in the media as different groups advocate for higher wages or additional benefits. A recent poll conducted by The New

Is the Goal Equality?

Since its founding, the United States has been seen as the land of potential greater economic equality. The American Dream promotes the idea that any person, regardless of race, class, or any other social barrier, can find success. In the U.S., the assumptions have been that: one, there is equal opportunity and two, as long


The Difficulty of Measuring Inequality

Inequality is a topic of obvious concern worldwide. Nevertheless, problems arise when we measure inequality without a standard definition. Not having a unique and unambiguous definition has the consequence that different measures can lead to different conclusions.

Inequality is largely assessed by measuring three different variables: income, consumption and wealth. The most popular and publicized of

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