Medical Equipment

Time Is Running Out – – for Marketplace Coverage

Open enrollment for the Health Insurance Marketplace ends January 31 for 2016 coverage. A growing number of people shop for their health insurance coverage during the last months of the year using the Health Insurance Marketplace or a state-based insurance exchange. Unfortunately, many of the people who are eligible for financial assistance through the Affordable

Taking the Hospital to the Patient

When you think of a hospital, what images come to mind? For most, the image of a hospital includes a spacious building with rooms full of complex equipment, beds and medical personnel. While common in the developed world, these familiar sights are largely unseen in the developing world, especially outside of large cities.

Unfortunately, this lack of medical infrastructure is not


Fighting Increasing Healthcare Costs with Reverse Innovation

When you think of the word innovation, what comes to mind? For those in the US and other developed nations, innovation is usually thought of in the context of expensive technology. In the past two decades, high-tech gadgets have changed the way the world views transportation, healthcare, entertainment, and communication. These innovations usually debut at an incredibly high price, touting new


Solar Ear Helps Those with Hearing Losses at Minimal Cost

Globally, approximately 325 million people suffer from some degree of hearing loss. Experts estimate that helping these people comes to a lifetime cost of around $300,000 per person. The cost to society includes more than just dollar cost: it includes the potential isolating impact on entire lives. This isolation can limit professional and educational opportunities

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